Student Unique ID form PDF Download

Today we will help you get student unique id for form online registration. It is very easy to download student’s unique id Bangladesh. And every student needs to apply for the Student Uid Form 2024 Pdf Registration. It will help student to get their new unique Id. In this below part, we will help you to get the Student Unique ID Online Registration link.

If you complete some step. Then you can easily complete your Student Unique ID Online Registration. So, don’t worry, we will help you to complete your student unique id application. You can get the student unique id form pdf. So, check out the below part student unique id form Bangladesh. (ইউনিক আইডি কি?)

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Student Unique ID Form 2024

Some people search with student unique id form download. Here we will help you to get Unique Id Bangladesh. Our post will help you to know unique id registration. Unique id generate system will help you to get your student unique ID. You should follow our every instruction from the below part. It will help you to get the student unique id online.


Student Unique ID Form Bangladesh

All the information of the student will be given in that ID. In order to implement the decision taken by the government, the Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) has already started unique ID activities for students under the Establishment of Integrated Educational Information Management System (IEIMS) project.

Unique ID Form BD

Most people want to know about unique id registration. Here we mention full information about the process. If you want to know more about the process. Then you should follow our instructions carefully. So, read the below instruction. It will help you to know more about the Unique ID form bd information.

Student Unique ID Registration

Now, we will show you student unique id form pdf. And you can know about student unique id form Bangladesh. We always work to help people. Get the student’s unique id form download. And get your unique id form bd. Check unique id registration system. Unique id generate help to create the registration process. Don’t worry about online registration for unique id generation.

Uid Form 2024 Pdf Download

Student Unique ID form fill up process 2024 bd. The rules for downloading and filling the unique ID form of the students of the school are discussed here. Note that students of all schools in the country will be given a unique ID number. For this process students have to fill in and submit their introductory information in the prescribed form. Below is the 4 page form.

Students have to fill the unique ID form with the help of teachers and parents following the proper rules. While filling the form, the information must be filled in by following the student’s national identity card and the student’s online birth registration certificate.

Student Unique ID Form


Student Unique ID Form

Student Unique ID Form

Student Unique ID Online Registration

Unique ID will be provided to students of 6th to 12th class. The government has recently announced that a database will be brought to all students. All students will be provided with a unique ID by keeping a database. The movement of that student can be determined through that unique ID.

Student Unique ID Form for School

Students who read classes 6 to 10 In Junior School, secondary school, school, and colleges under Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Bangladesh Need to download the form and fulfill it carefully. School-going students from class 6 to 10 will be added in in unique student ID on BANBEIS.

To get there, unique ID students must have to fill-up the form and submit it before the deadline. Otherwise, He may fall in difficulty.

College Student Profile Form of Class 11-12 :

These students’ unique ID students profile form will be applicable for colleges going students of Bangladesh also. Students who read in class 11-12 level in higher secondary Educational Institutes in Bangladesh also need to fill this form and include data in the student ERP portal on the BANBEIS website. Like other classes, colleges will also have to follow the rules and regulations by the authority for completing students’ unique ID form 2024.

Unique ID pdf Download

IEIMS Unique ID form for School-College and Madrasha :

Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) will provide the unique form to School, College and Madrasha by thana education offices and Educational institute will have to take Necessary action to do this work very carefully.

The student unique ID form for school college and Madrasa is given here for you. You can download the form here in PDF format and used it by printing. To download this form click the download button given below.

It is a high-quality Student Profile Form in PDF prepared by IEIMS for Education ERP (EMIS).

Student Unique ID form – IEIMS –

How to Apply for the Student Unique ID?

Every student needs to complete their student unique ID information. In the below part, we give some instructions. Which will help you to complete your student’s unique id process.

>>At first, Download From
>>Now, Fill up Student Unique ID Form
>>Submit your School.

Students should attach the following documents with the completed information form-

(1) 2 copies of the freshly oiled passport size picture of the student (white background color photo, which is oiled from the front so that both eyes are visible at the same time)
(2) Copy of Birth Registration Certificate of the student
(3) a copy of the national identity card of the student’s mother, father, and, if necessary, the guardian
(4) Copy of birth registration of student’s mother, father. And guardian in case of application (if any)